The training of dog begins during the period in its life when its socialization skills are being developed. If you train a dog too early, it will not learn anything because it hasn't developed to the extent that it can learn. Training your dog when it has already developed its own undesirable characteristics may prove to be an extremely difficult task.
Researchers in the area of dog study have recently incorporated the study of the prenatal period of puppy ís life to further understand dogs. During the prenatal period, it is believed that touching the pregnant dog makes her litter more docile. If you have a pregnant dog, strive to keep in touch with it regularly through physical contact as puppies respond a lot to that.
According to Sarpell, what happens to puppies while they are growing in their mothers womb consequently affects their long-term behavior because puppies are sensitive in the womb. The presence of modern technology such as a scan has made it possible to study the behavior of a puppy while it instill within the mothers womb. Technological advancements have led to a clearer understanding of dogs and their behaviors.
Dogs are trained for a variety of reasons depending on the motive of the trainer and the kind of dog that he or she has. Some dogs are trained to perform tricks for money like in circus setting. Other dogs may be trained to for the purpose of finding missing people.
According to Fox, petting a pregnant dog helps the puppies develop properly. Fox claims that petting a dog when she is pregnant enhances emotional attachment, relaxation and socialization. Dogs that are physically handled during pregnancy end up producing a litter of docile puppies.