Lunes, Oktubre 1, 2012

What to Do When Aluminium Kozijnen Starts Looking Dirty

To the Dutch, aluminium frames are known as aluminium kozijnen. These frames are very popular in construction work. While they owe their popularity in part to their strength, one should not neglect to maintain them as one does other parts of one's house, naturally.

Aluminium itself is considered quite strong. It also possesses a strength that some other building materials don't. This is a metal that does not collapse in just a few years.

This does not translate to it never needing maintenance, naturally. There are no special skills required for it: anyone can do it. All the items necessary are available at your local grocery.

You can use the detergent that sits right at your sink for this. Get some plain detergent and mix a quarter of a cup of it in a pail of water. Blend the two with your choice of stirring implement: you can even use your hand.

It is possible to use a sprayer to get the cleaning liquid onto the kozijnen. A nice damp piece of fabric may be used too. Just as long as you do not pick a highly abrasive textile, you should be fine with whatever cloth you pick.

After you have finished lathering them, you should start rinsing. You are going to use regular tapwater now. Use the tapwater for rinsing.

The final step here is to make sure the frames are dry. You can use another rag for this as long as you do it with suitably firm (but not forceful) swipes. It may help to move the cloth in waving motions or small figure eights instead of just doing it in a linear motion.

On occasion, one might require a stronger cleaner to get rid of bad staining. There are stronger cleaners, but you should attempt the above mixture first. Luckily for you, the materials for these are not exactly exotic either.

A dilution of household ammonia could be your best bet. Mix half a cup in about a gallon of H20. WD40 is also a surprisingly effective solution for this problem.

While the kosten aluminium kozijnen or cost of aluminium frames is admittedly not so high that you should cry if anything happens to yours, you should still dedicate time to cleaning and thus preserving the investment in them. They are a vital part of your house, after all. The whole building looks better when they are kept nice and presentable.